Climate Action for Online Merchants
Carbon neutral deliveries
CO2 estimates showcased
Customers served globally
Green projects for contribution
How Konnect works
Browse your favorite products or services online
Select a product or service of your choice
See your estimated emissions automatically
Make it green
Decide to contribute and make your purchase green
Become a certified climate warrior with Konnect
Receive your carbon neutral deliveries or bookings
Book a demo
The Konnect API
Konnect platform seamlessly connects with your online platform and enables decarbonization instantly creating climate positive customer experience.
The Konnect Factor
Flight Tickets
Taxi/Cabs Bookings
Hotel Booking
Online Shopping
Modern Sustainability Platform
Konnect Dashboard
Most useful insights at the top
Konnect is a smart platform that embed emissions estimation and climate action seamlessly into your digital platform enabling every transaction to be climate positive.
Uncover your emission trends
Once Konnect is enabled into your digital platform you will be able to see your emissions trends in real-time.
See your geographical impact
Konnect dashboard gives clear visibility on your daily transactions and its corresponding emissions together with carbon neutral orders and related offsetted emissions that comes from contributions by your online buyers. This helps you build your brand and reputation through effective customer engagements.
Why Konnect
Enhanced Customer Engagement
Planet Sustech Konnect platform enables online merchants to offer consumers the opportunity to offset their carbon footprint with every purchase. This initiative not only demonstrates the merchant's commitment to sustainability but also enhances customer engagement by empowering them to take tangible climate actions.
Competitive Advantage
By integrating climate action features into their e-commerce platforms through Planet Sustech Konnect, online merchants gain a competitive edge in the market. Consumers are increasingly prioritizing sustainability when making purchasing decisions, and offering carbon offsetting options can differentiate merchants from competitors and attract environmentally conscious shoppers.
Brand Loyalty and Trust
Participating in climate actions through the Planet Sustech Konnect platform helps build brand loyalty and trust among consumers. By providing transparent and certified carbon offsetting options, merchants demonstrate their dedication to environmental responsibility, fostering long-term relationships with customers who value sustainability.
Revenue Generation
Implementing climate action initiatives on their e-commerce platforms can also contribute to revenue generation for online merchants. Some consumers may be willing to pay a premium for products or services that come with the option to offset their carbon footprint, thereby increasing average order value and overall revenue.
Positive Impact on the Environment
Through the Planet Sustech Konnect platform, online merchants facilitate meaningful climate actions that contribute to positive environmental impact. By offsetting carbon emissions associated with purchases, merchants and consumers collectively support projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect ecosystems, and promote sustainable development.
Certification and Recognition
Online merchants and consumers participating in climate actions through the Planet Sustech Konnect platform receive certification for their contributions to carbon offsetting initiatives. This certification not only validates their commitment to environmental stewardship but also provides recognition and visibility within their respective communities and industries.
Our success stories
Go Devil
How an online fashion brand in India embarked on a journey to became climate positive.
Read Case Study ->
Fig Living
FIG Living's Eco-Friendly Initiative: This collaboration with Planet Sustech marks a significant step forwards FIG Living's commitment to fostering a better world for everyone while actively contributing to sustainability.
Read Case Study ->
Home Couture Collective
How a home and lifestyle goods brand is creating positive impact by making all their transaction carbon neutral.
Read Case Study ->
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