Planet sustech follows Green House Gas Protocol
Planet Sustech’s approach follows the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which is the most widely used international accounting framework for understanding, quantifying, and managing GHG emissions.
The GHG Protocol is a multi-stakeholder partnership of companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governments and other parties brought together by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). It is important to note that the GHG Protocol is compliant with other Greenhouse Gas accounting standards such as ISO 14064 or ADEME.
- A standard of excellence in terms of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) accounting: its objective is to carry out an exhaustive evaluation of all the Greenhouse Gas emissions generated by the activities of an organization or a territory.
- An environmental management tool, fulfilling a role of guide and support for organizations in the context of their energy-climate transition approaches.
Who uses GHG Protocol?
Companies and Organizations
In 2016, 92% of Fortune 500 companies responding to the CDP used the GHG Protocol directly or indirectly through a program based on the GHG Protocol
Countries and Cities
Through their commitment to the Compact of Mayors, hundreds of cities across the globe have committed to using the GHG Protocol for Cities. We also work with partners in key countries to develop national GHG emissions programs based on the GHG Protocol.
Emission Factors Libraries
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs
International Financial Institutions
India GHG Program
Science Based Targets initiative
Environmental Protection Agency
Green View
The Energy and Resources Institute
IIT Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad
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